Please come to The North Fork School
on Tuesday evening, April 25, 2017
from 6:30 to 8:30 PM
The North Fork School will present its offerings for the 2017-2018 school year from 6:30-7:30 pm. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of going to NFS; meet teachers, discuss costs of the program, and gather information as you begin to think about options for the next (and future) school year(s).
Students and parents who have completed various years of NFS programs will be available to share their experiences of school, homework, logistics, and results with prospective parents and students.
If your students are still too young for NFS, but you are interested in having the option of our academic programs available when they are old enough to attend, it is important that we hear from you — please come and discuss what we do, see the site, and tell us what you may need in future years.
Please pass this link on to anyone you may know who is interested in discussing North Fork academics. See you in April!