Students who have completed all required assignments will be free for the summer after today. Those who are not finished (pieces are not yet in Final Folders; math assignments are not completely finished) will meet us at 6:00 AM on Saturday and stay until all work is completed to our satisfaction.
If you have left work undone until the end of May, this is a problem with your own personal time organization. As teachers are meeting with you after the last day of classes to help you complete work on their own extra time, you will owe them two hours of work for every hour that they spend helping you finish. If you are a Skype student, you will owe your parents the same amount of time working around the house.
Students from previous years who have had to stay to do schoolwork (and house work) have determined that this is something they never want to do again; in every case, their work has been completed in subsequent years by the end of May.
No excuses! HAPPY SUMMER! You've earned it!